Important Question
General Questions
1Number of hajj per camp ?
Varies according to the program recorded by the pilgrim as well as the detail of each program.
This is because there is a tent that is a four-walled room. It could be six or seven or eight pilgrims
There is a program consisting of a small tent, which may be three or four tents. It is also surrounded by walls. It has 18 to 40 pilgrims and has 30 to 60 pilgrims.
But in all cases there is a system that ensures each pilgrim his own place according to a mechanism controlled by a computer program is very accurate.
So my brother, Haj, make sure the program is registered in it before payment and registration.Varies according to the program recorded by the pilgrim as well as the detail of each program.
This is because there is a tent that is a four-walled room. It could be six or seven or eight pilgrims
There is a program consisting of a small tent, which may be three or four tents. It is also surrounded by walls. It has 18 to 40 pilgrims and has 30 to 60 pilgrims.
But in all cases there is a system that ensures each pilgrim his own place according to a mechanism controlled by a computer program is very accurate.
So my brother, Haj, make sure the program is registered in it before payment and registration.
2Do you offer special food for diabetics ?
What is diabetes eating? We have asked this question to some diabetes doctors and in general the answer if the diabetic carries his treatment with him either pills of medicine or insulin ache can eat what advised by his doctor in a small amount
That is, he can eat what he wants if he reduces the amount of eating and is committed to treatment, and we offer asparagus bread and cucumber as much as possible
3Is conditioning in Mina central ?
Yes Freon will be added in camps
4Do you take care of our emotions ?
The transportation of the company is described in the plan
In general, our transportation goes from Jeddah to Mina, from Mina to the Haram, from the Haram to Jeddah, or according to what is recorded in the gate
Our buses do not go to Haram on 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
We are committed to the train schedule of the company according to the specified times and it serves from Mona to Arafat to Muzdalifah to Mina
5Does the camp serve our reception from the airport ?
In order to provide this service to the large number of registered arrivals to the airport at different times and the pilgrim is committed to the gathering place registered at the gate
6Who are the sheikhs this year ?
The company strives to host senior sheikhs, scholars and students of science to guide the pilgrims continuously during the Hajj journey. The Awareness Committee is coordinating with many of them and preparing a carefully thought-out table for this purpose, hosting pilgrims from them in lectures and lessons.
7Who are the supporters of this year
Women’s program is rich in many programs and they benefit from the direct transfer of them to the activities and activities of men with the availability of preachers of university qualifications and the most famous of them
8What special needs do you need during Hajj ?
The entire Hajj is 120 hours, the most of which is about 50 hours in the prohibition, and in it I adhere to the Ihram, and in fact,
Therefore, the alleviation of the mobile clothes that may not be used, but the easy and special usually used in the house or at sleep and there is some fine towels, towels, scissors and some medicines for headaches, and creams and creams.
And women should fear God in confusion and they must live spirituality and fear of God and that they are in a journey to seek forgiveness and non-weariness of the narrow clothes, short and non-negligent in these feelings in respect of the ritual
9Is the food a meal or a buffet ?
Food at Masha’al El Nour Camp Three meals, breakfast, food and dinner are also available at the portal.
There are also hot and cold drinks within 24 hours with some snacks, biscuits and cake
10My mother is stooped, can I bring her own cart ?
Yes, but you can be under your personal responsibility and the company bears no liability in case of loss for any reason
11How will it be for the gift and the price of the sacrifice ?
Price does not include sacrifice and sacrifice
12How do you deal with different people if you enjoy, for example, does any of your programs suit me or is there a specific program for every miracle ?
We deal with the difference of forgetfulness, we offer service and on the Hajj, we choose to forget what he deems appropriate. We do not enter the company and you can choose to ride as you see fit. If you choose to enjoy it, you must ensure that you arrive before the 8th of Dhul Hijjah and go to Mecca to perform Umrah. You can go directly to the camp on the eighth day
13What is it for the hasty or the late? Are there differences in the program or prices ?
If you mean the price hand there is no difference and there is usually an arrangement for them to run the camp
14Is the sandstone provided in the camp ?
We strive as much as possible to provide the Jamarat and we do not guarantee its presence inside the camp during all Hajj days
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